Man American consumerism is so strong and I find it laughably sad everytime I have to encounter it

I sadly had my great grandmother pass recently (which was good she was very open about wanting to go to heaven with her husband and friends) so I have a lot of family over right now. Besides the simple things like all soda being called coke and the family needing diet coke like it's water or air ive noticed some odd things. My aunts and my grandma have been talking and all of them have a favorite ad they love seeing on cable anytime they watch it especially ones where it has a loosely connected plot line which they love quoting such as the old spice ones. I think that is so weird and depressing, they love all these insurance ads, toilet paper ads and much more to the point they can quote the whole ad. Don't even get me started on all the medicine ads, makes me want to move to Europe even more knowing they don't have medicine ads.

But then I just learned I have a new niece which is cool right? Of course having more family is cool and I feel great for my aunt and uncle who had her! But I just learned what her name is and it's almost dystopian levels of depressing to me. My aunt and uncle named her reese's, of course I asked what the name was from and why they named her that because me having hope of something being a weird coincidence blinded me from the truth of it all. My aunt and uncle actually just named their fucking child after A GODDAMN CANDY FROM A STORE why you may ask? Because they like the candy that much, can you imagine how much she is going to get bullied because her parents went "hmm I like this peanut butter cup I'm gonna name my kid after it". Like Jesus Christ it makes me want to hit them so much like why is it so common and normal in America to bend over and take a corporations fat hog willingly and then still praise them for it and then as to have it done again? I just can't even see why you would name your kid after a candy bar like I would gladly take some shit like leighlauh over my niece being named after a multimillion dollar company.

That's it rants over sorry for taking up your time over nothing I just Don't know anyone else who would care about that besides me currently