Questions about Labs! (High ALT/AST)
So I just got some routine labwork done (Since it had been awhile since my last physical). I'm a 39/Male. Def. somewhat overweight (5'10"/220 lbs)
Anyways the big areas that scared me were this:
From my Metabolic Panel:
- BUN 21 (Normal range 6-20)
- Creatinine 1.47 (Normal Range .76-1.27)
- eGFR 62 (Normal is >59)
- AST 73 (Normal 0-40)
- ALT 87 (Normal 0-44)
One other weird marker was +1 Ketones in my urinalysis.
How worrisome are these? I had labs about a year ago and everything was fine? I will say i've been probably drinking more alcohol than needed but i've cut back quite a bit when I realized it was healthy.
I talked to someone who is more familiar with the ALT/AST and they said while they are high it's nothing crazy and probably due to my weight and having used some alcohol. They mentioned something like x2 the reference range if it's under that it's probably nothing like crazy serious
I will note that I took these tests in the morning and was VERY dehydrated. Like I couldn't even get enough pee in the pee cup for a urinalsysis (The lab assistant was very ehhh about if it was enough since it was not even half the cup). I take medicine that sort dries me out (i tried to chug water before the test but that clearly didn't help)