Wanting to tell friends, but not wanting to steal attention from other friend’s pregnancy/shower… wwyd?
I can’t decide when to announce my pregnancy to our friend group as one of the women is also pregnant and is having a baby shower a few weeks after when I’d like to share the news. I just don’t want to steal any attention from her, but I also think she would be super happy for me and to share pregnancy together. Last summer I had become pregnant and shared the news fairly early, around 7ish weeks I had told our whole friend group (6 couples) that we were expecting. Unfortunately I miscarried at 9 weeks. Everyone was really supportive. My friend who is now pregnant was especially supportive during that time. She had sent flowers and offered her ear when I was ready to talk about it. She continued to check in on me. And when she became pregnant she told me in private, expressing how she wanted to be delicate of my feelings and offer me time and space if that’s what I needed. Of course I was nothing but happy for her! And I told her this and thanked her for being so considerate of my feelings. And just a few weeks after her sharing her news with me, I also became pregnant again! I’ve contemplated sharing this news with her early as I think it’s so exciting to know our babies will be just a few months apart, and I know she will be very excited as well. But my husband and I agreed we’d wait to share the news again with our friends until after 12 weeks this time. Well I’ll be 12 weeks here soon and while I want to share the news at that point with our friends, her baby shower is scheduled for 3 weeks later (3 weeks after I’d like to share the news)… and I am wondering, should I wait to share this news until after her shower?? At that point I’d be 16 weeks along. I don’t want it to seem like I’m trying to take any attention away from her/her baby, and while I don’t think she’d think of it that way at all, I just don’t want it to seem like it’s too close to her shower. Is 3 weeks too close?? I know if she’s able to make it to mine, she will be very pregnant when mine comes around.
Anyone been in a similar situation? What would you do?? Or how do you think you’d feel if you were her?