Can I address this? Sitter started smoking.

Question— I’m a parent. We have a wonderful part-time babysitter. She has been with us 3 years and is great with my son. She is also flexible with her schedule despite a lot of last minute changes. She did not smoke when I hired her but started maybe about a year ago. She would never smoke around the kids but when she comes in the door she smells like a mix of skunk 🦨 and cigarettes 🚬. It’s pretty awful. I have to wash all the blankets and spray the couch after… My little one has also noticed and said he doesn’t like the way she smells. He used to snuggle with her but now keeps his distance. It’s her business so I don’t feel l can say anything but it’s to the point I feel like looking for someone new. Ughh. Any ideas from the babysitter perspective on if there is anything I can say? (She has not told me she started smoking and maybe thinks we don’t notice.)

*Additional info. She’s not taking him anywhere when she watches him… it’s typically before bedtime. But huge thank you to all who weighed in. I’m going to talk with her.