WI: Izuku gets an analysis quirk which made him even more bitter and angry than canon Bakugo.
In this scenario Izuku awakened the perfect analysis quirk, where with one look he can perfectly dissect everything in front of him. Seeing every flaw, whether be living humans or the most mundane furniture.
The downside is that Izuku is stuck seeing weakness in everything, weakness in quirks, weakness in technology, weakness in people...all this quirk did, despite giving him the best analysis out of any quirk specialist.
Izuku is doomed to see how people break, all he sees are the worst of others endlessly as it's impossible to not feel that everything is broken.
Izuku couldn't even look at Bakugo with awe, all thanks to this quirk. As Izuku lived life, now getting perfect grades while seeing weakness in the hero system, bystander syndrome in people, everything Izuku laid eyes on.