Can a Resident's Association prevent deliveries and visitors from coming to my house? (UPDATE)

If you guys haven't seen the first part of this you can do so here

Anyway since this post, I made a police report and it seems that they have contacted the President. Not long after, she finally replied my message, denied responsibility and sent me a PDF document of ridiculous so-called "House Rules" (they're funny as hell if you want me to elaborate further)

As of now, food deliveries and visitors are still being prevented direct access to my house.

I reminded her that as President only she would have the pull to make such decisions and would be responsible for the actions of the persatuan regardless. I also made it clear once again that this is not a gated community but rather a housing area where boomgates were voluntarily installed by the residents themselves.

Lastly, I told her that as much as she wants this place to function like a gated community or strata property, there is no legal standing for her to do so. There were no DMCs signed at the time of purchasing the house and that under the previous management, participation in the RA was strictly voluntary. Thus, there was never any expectation or obligation to pay nor is there any authority to make such rules.

I will make a second police report tonight, visit the Majlis tomorrow and if needed I guess I'll have to lawyer up. While 500 + a month is already an unrealistic amount of money, I am getting quite hung up on the principle of the matter.

Personally, I would not even ask a single sen from my neighbours to pay for something they were never willing to have in the first place let alone try to punish them or inconvenience when they rightfully refuse.

Anyways lets hope all goes well