Really wanting to reach out to ex....

She broke up with me ten days ago, if you asked me a month ago the relationship was going to last forever. I'm having a hard time processing the breakup, i have accepted that we are over but we had exactly the same interest and she was what i could picture my dream girl. There were problems, she was a virgin and we were working towards sex, we never got there but she got a lot more comfortable around me. She ended the relationship saying she accidently led me on, wasn't falling in love and that i wasn't her person. Something in my head is telling me that it was just her anxiety that pushed me away.

I guess what i really need is some comfort, I cant help but imagining her with other people right now with how comfortable and how many late night talks we had about sexuality. How do you guys get over this? i legitimately though she was the one when we met. Perfectly my type, firecracker of a personality, my family loved her and she was great to be around. I also think i see other girls in public and just cant see any as attractive as my ex, has anyone else gone through this? I just wanna reach out and see if she still means those things......but i know thats a bad idea.

The full breakup is in my post history, as always thank you for any comments. this sub has really helped me, its nice to have others going through the same thing. When i get through this i fully mean to reach out and help others, and if you read this and your going through it, were all rooting for you.