A stranger said „You two are great together“. Where did we go wrong?

Man. I just remembered when I was on vacation with my ex girlfriend (a cruise) I was getting dinner at the buffet while my ex was at the table so no one else occupied it. As I was making my way back, some random woman I haven’t even seen before just said „you and your girlfriend make a lovely couple. I can see you really love each other and you two are great together“. I just said thanks, but like.. those words are just edged in my mind. A year later we broke up.

I know we looked really great together. I hate that she’s not the one. I really wanted her to be part of my life for the rest of my life. I truly wish she hadn’t let her superficial standards end the relationship. I wish I could’ve been enough for her. Whenever I think back to that day I just get sad. We could’ve had it all.