If you just broke up read this
You going to be okay, I promise.
I’ve been going thru the hardest break up of my life and I felt like it ruined my life. I wanted to kill myself so many times the first month. I cried every second of 24 hours and my mom was the only one who can I talk to. Another country, no friend, no family near, holiday from university. I was alone. It was the worst month of my life, I was fighting for my life.
Now I’m 2 month later BU and I still cry sometimes, it’s still sad, but maybe my life is not ruined now. All I ever wanted back then is to actually hear “it’s going to be okay”. It’s actually getting better. I’m still all alone but even in shitty situations like this it gets better. I was dumped btw.
The first 2 weeks was pure hell, I couldn’t sleep, eat or do anything. All I did was thinking of him, begging him to stay with me and cry. But now, I enjoy every single day even if sometimes I’m sad. I’m not healed yet. But healing is process, not a destination.
If you just broke up and feel the weigh of the world on your shoulders I wanna give a quick tips how to SURVIVE first month after break up.
-LET YOUR EMOTIONS BE. Cry, be mad, cry again. Speak to anyone even your mom about how you feel. Talking to even 1 person helped me a lot first week.
-Time will heal, but the first week is going to be pure hell. Distract yourself first until you’re ready to process and heal in more normal positions. I couldn’t process the break up the first week, all I wanted to do is to kms not to feel anything. Desperate housewives helped me ALOT. like a lot, I binged this show, all I did was watching and it helped to get thru and get calm.
-listen to your fave music. Find artist you LOVE. My go was System of a Down. I became the biggest fan after break up. The first two weeks my love for them healed my in a way I cannot describe.
-give yourself a rest. As much as possible, sleep, eat do anything you want. If you feel like shit and wanna sleep and do nothing. Go. You have an excuse. Feel no shame, the world will wait until you’re ready to get up from the bed, u promise.
-Find good game you can dig in. My savior was MLP on iPhone. Silly game, but damn it distracted me so good so I survived this hell.
-AGAIN. distract yourself as possible. Your world shattered. You’re not in a normal person position. Distract yourself a little until the time you calmed down.
-Let yourself be depressed. But not to long, sometimes processing such complex emotions can harm, not heal, especially after long time.
-talk to someone. Even if here. I’ve been helping a few people here after they just broke up. And they helped me. Even a few text makes difference.
-do not set plans, your plan for today is survive today. Future you will think about tomorrow.
-Mel Robbin’s podcast about break up was chef kiss. I highly recommend episode about break up, this women knows shit.
My first week was the longest (it felt like a year) and shittiest thru my whole life. But after this week, it’s been only better and better. Just keep going. It will get better, I promise. You will survive. It’s not the end of the world. Your life is not ruined. ❤️🙏🏻
Sorry for many typos! Hope you get it