Do Exes feel when you get better???!!

We broke up 2 month ago, he left me the worst way possible, played victim and his last words were “I don’t love you anymore, no I don’t miss you”(month ago)

I WAS EMBARRASSING TO WATCH. I begged him to stay, called him, texted him 100x times first month and all this shit. He asked to leave him alone and I did.

Two month ahead I’m doing so so much better than before, and 1 week ago he texted me judging that I am living my life and going on dates, and BLOCKED ME. Everywhere. But whatsapp (wtf?)

I’ve been doing so great after the month of pure limbo and now I feel stuck in a place again. Crying myself to sleep and all. I miss him again, but fuck him, he did it on purpose? Blocked me like I wasn’t the one who begged???

I feel some toxic people know when you’re feeling better and try to stop your progress 🫠

Need some reassurance that it’s okay to be stuck again, cuz it’s crazy how after his text I am depressed again. Ugh