Unfucking beatable race

I’m my last post on hear I ranted about the ai being bullshit. and on this race I’ve seen then crash spawn out of thin air get to 50 mph in 1 second after wallgrind without any penalty crash in to traffic then reset and rubber band ram me spin me out not to mention the uphill turn that you can see what your turning in to so you crash in to a car or take it to fast if you slow down the ai gaps you or rams you my car is top of c2 and they beat me the game forces you to full send 145 mph+ just to win but if you brake to take a turn they rubber band and gap you fuck this race fuck the ai if I wanted need for speed underground I’d be playing it right now

I’m my last post on hear I ranted about the ai being bullshit. and on this race I’ve seen then crash spawn out of thin air get to 50 mph in 1 second after wallgrind without any penalty crash in to traffic then reset and rubber band ram me spin me out not to mention the uphill turn that you can see what your turning in to so you crash in to a car or take it to fast if you slow down the ai gaps you or rams you my car is top of c2 and they beat me the game forces you to full send 145 mph+ just to win but if you brake to take a turn they rubber band and gap you fuck this race fuck the ai if I wanted need for speed underground I’d be playing it right now