Onboarding Journey issues
Hi, Im a new hire for the Chili’s near me and got an email to start my onboarding journey for the hiring process. However, the link attached to the email has nothing to click in order to reset my password. The only thing that shows up that’s similar is “forgot user” and when I tried that, it sends me to put in a number or email, I used the contact info I’ve associated with myself on my application only to say that it’s not found or I’ve been timed out.
So, I’m at a loss, I called the TM hotline which sent me to an automated system that send me a password reset link to my number and the link they sent sends me right back to the exact same link in the onboarding email. Do I just call my hiring manager or a manager in general at this point? If so, what time is the best time to call because I know when it’s rush hours, dealing with a new hire’s hiring issues is probably the last thing any employee wants to deal with in that moment.