Unused Attacks: Data-Driven Decisions for bench/kick
Like many Clan leaders, I struggle with missed attacks. We've recently lost three key wars because of people missing.
Here's how I'm handling it:
- During regular season I track attack usage
- I then compute a ratio: ATTACKS_USED / TOTAL ATTACKS
- Anything less than a 100% Ratio is at risk for bench/kick
- This is how I determine my CWL roster.
- Right now I have 30 players for CWL with a 100% attack usage ratio
This is the "Boletus System."
NOTE1: Players can opt-out of war--if they go red, it does not count against them. I'm specifically calling out players who are green for war and miss attacks. I'm asking the clan to be responsible.
NOTE2: I understand that 5#!7 happens, life gets in the way, and I believe in 2nd chances. Players are expected to apologize and explain if they miss their attacks.
With this system the players that show a _pattern_ of missing attacks jump off the page. Data are beautiful!
Clan is CHEERS DONATERS. Please join us if you appreciate a Leader and clan that appreciates players who use their attacks.
As a Leader it is not fair to other clan members if I "let it slide."
QUESTION: Any easy way to pull these stats? I'm now keying them in manually.
Ty <3 Dorsi