Guys, farm on Haze
I see so many Haze players in my games that just want to fight with their ult nonstop.
No dude or dudette, get Tesla or Ricochet, pick up bullet lifesteal, farm until you have Silencer + Unstoppable.
Do you think that Seven ulty is oppressive? Nah my dude, walking into a late game teamfight with a mapwide AOE bullet damage ulty that silences their abilities and does insane damage is oppressive. Seven ulty you can just throw an anvil at and suddenly his all in ulty build is garbo. Did I mention Unstoppable means you can't be stunned, disarmed, silenced etc while you're murdering all 6 of their heroes?
Seriously. Farm on Haze. Don't fight until you have your core items.
Really, most people at the elo I'm in right now would benefit from a 'farm your items before you run at the enemy team' philosophy.