The left should focus more on families
It appears to me as someone who has been in lefty circles for most of my life that explicit appeals to the wellbeing of families is pretty absent from leftist rhetoric. I think this is deeply unfortunate since it gave the right the clear to fill this gap and presenting itself as the movement for families even though in practice the policies the right supports actually hurts existing families and makes an increasing amount of people more hesitant to get married, have kids, etc. I think this is obviously a problem.
Most families are struggling to get by. Many people my age (20s) would like to start families (myself included) but don't see it as feasible or responsible given financial restraints and the current state of the world (see the situation with climate change among numerous other crises). I think it would be wise for the left in general to focus more explicitly on how families would benefit from leftist poilicies (eg better schools, more financial security through higher wages and universal healthcare and mandatory paid sick and familial leave, stronger environmental regulations so people's children can grow up in a healthy planet, free college so people's children can persue their passions and gain fulfilling employment opportunities without having to deal with crushing debt for the rest of their lives, stronger social security so people can spend more time with their parents and grandparents in their advanced age, and so on).
But this doesn't seem to be the case. It seems as though the left in general is more concerned with individual wellbeing and/or righting historical wrongs done to marginalized communities. To be perfectly clear, this last point is a good goal. However it is a bit narrow. I'm simply suggesting we expand our rhetoric.
I think it's a clear reading of popular rhetoric and voting trends that the left has been slipping on this with few exceptions. I think we ought to change this. How exactly this is done I'm unsure of though. My best guess is including more things paid like sick and family leave in our messaging or how our policies would help families explicitly.
Finally, this is more of a preemptive thing because from my experience people can be really annoying in the comments. I know the "nuclear family" is a very recent western phenomenon. I'm familiar with the feminist arguments against marriage. I'm not arguing that it's the "duty" or whatever of people to settle down and have kids. I'm just pointing out there are a lot of families, there serve an important social and political role, and many people, for whatever the reason, would like to settle down and have one some day but this has been getting increasingly harder and sure as shit won't be getting easier with the right being in charge but the right in general seems way more focused with appealing to famiky issues than the left. If someone has zero interest in having a family this is totally fine by me. I'm just saying if someone has a desire to this should be easier and we should more explicitly say how this would be easier under our policies because it certainly would be but I don't think this is often explained.