Is watching dating advice on YouTube on how to get a girlfriend bad?
There always these guys on YouTube usually cis guys giving love and dating advices to men who are single. I tried watching some of them and some of the advices they were giving were good. But something seems off about some of them. Can’t quite put my finger on it. Theres the Alpha male, sigma male and omega male. I’m not sure which I’m, probably sigma? Or omega?
I’m definitely no alpha. But I always wanted to be…? I’m confident but am a little shy. Do you think the advise there giving could work with trans men who are bachelors? I feel like he’s only given advice only to cis guys. Some could apply to us but because im trans some might not work. Cis men don’t have to disclose there trans because well there not. There are also trans men who are making Channels on how to date a woman and what will help you attract her? What I don’t like is some trans guys say, we know what are women want and what spots to touch. Like bro, not every trans guy knows what a woman wants. Because every person is different. Some cis guys know what there gf wants, and some trans men suck at knowing what there gf want.
The cis guys advise can work but I think a trans man would work better giving advice to me. Is this a bad idea to use there advice?
Sometimes I even ask Chat GBT on how to attract a woman to like me? And I’ve been warn to never use AI on dating advice. Because it’s a robot.