Is there a character dynamic that isn’t used much in the fandom, but when it’s used you eat that shit up?

Dick Grayson and Slade joining together willing instead of being brainwashed, as the entire fandom makes Slade more evil than he is in canon and makes saving Robin/Nightwing a good thing.

But the rare times, whenever I read stories where Robin willingly joins with Slade in their dynamic without the usual pedophilia the fandom is obsessed with.

They are so good together and their stories had the best version of Dick Grayson I've ever read in fanfiction. They show just how badass Dick is, alongside the parnership showing off how he's like inside where it makes him into such a complex character that it made Dick into my favorite dc character with Slade becoming my favorite villain from how much depth is added when authors stop being obsessed with Dick being pathetic and Slade a pedo all the time while ignoring his complexity as a character as an inverse Batman.

I eat that shit up like no tomorrow and had even influenced my writing, because you need lots of good writing and character development within their stories for both to work together.