The point of Eves Mother's talk with Mark since some people are confused

Eve's neighbor, she did everything right. She stayed away from superheroes, she didn't go out and fight. She did everything Eve's parents would've WANTED Eve to do, and were trying to MAKE her do her entire life.

But the neighbor still died. Wiped off the planet like a bug, for nothing. As collateral damage.

This is why Eve's mom REALIZED that all the attempts to hide Eve away, to stop her from showing her powers, to make her normal, and to stop her from helping people, ultimately meant nothing.

She realized even if Eve didn't do anything, she could still just get... wiped out. For no reason. As collateral damage in someone elses battle.

She's basically admitting she was wrong to hide Eve away, and that it's better for Eve to be out there helping others, rather than hiding away- when they both have similar outcomes... her death.