Why didn't Cecil try to send in cannon fodder during the finale fight?
I'm not saying he should throw guys like rae or any unnecessary deaths but he had reanimen at his disposal, or call in immortal again to buy Mark just a few more seconds to get back up.
The best moment to do it is right after eve got her insides torn out and mark screaming for Cecil to help only to get ghosted. What could have happened is that Cecil, realizing that his reanimarks aren't going to be ready decides to send his reanimen to distract conquest enough for an extraction team to try and take eve out the fight, similar to how he tried to buy time against omniman during s1.
These paramedics would try to give mark an earpiece while trying to evac eve and there could have been a scene where conquest taken aback by cyborg corpses appearing out of nowhere only to deal with them in a matter of seconds, Cecil tries to talk to Mark with the earpiece only for said earpiece to get broken once conquest gives him a punch, note that the paramedics gets killed before they could get eve out and the entire battle continues on.
It would have atleast showed that Cecil tried to do something, granted one explanation is that he simply didn't have any reanimen after the invincible war, but I doubt Cecil of all people would throw his entire army and not have any in reserve or surviving so about a dozen could have been sent to aid in the conquest battle atleast.