How many of us were bottle fed?

Had a thought after seeing several comments from MCAS sufferers that they feel they have “had this from birth.”

I wonder if we were all bottle fed?

I believe I was bottle fed from day one. I remember my mom saying once that I was. The next time I asked her she said she thought so but she couldn’t remember. Pretty sure the first answer was correct. I don’t blame her for my illness though. At the time I was born there was not as much information at the time about the benefits of breastfeeding. It was the 70’s. Bottle feeding was trending big time and considered liberating for young mothers. No one saw a problem with it.

Anyway I’m wondering what the lack of probiotics, colostrum and vital nutrients does to the immune system during such a young and fragile stage of life. Not to mention the immediate introduction of soy or cows milk + synthetic vitamins.