Another husband frustration post
Feeling super frustrated with husband.
I've been telling him the past few weeks that we need to get our now 1 year old twins to start eating more solids because we'll have to wean them off the bottles soon after their first birthday but obviously they'll need to get used to getting calories from other sources. We usually team tag them where each one of us handles one kid. He'd have his kid skip solid food times "because he's tired and needs a nap" or when ever I'm not around to remind him that it's mealtime and would respond to my worries that they're not eating enough solids with "it will be fine, you're stressing too much." He also would skip giving them water in sippy cups with meals because they're not good at drinking without either making a mess or just don't want to drink at all. I kept saying they still need practice and he'd get annoyed at me.
Well, we had our one year old appointment and the doctor said she really expects us to completely stop formula by 15 months and explained some strategies.
Now husband is freaking out that it's so sudden, they don't eat enough solids, etc, and it's my fault for not stressing him enough about increasing solids and communicating clearly enough about what they need. They're not sleeping through the night and we're just sick back to back with different illnesses for the past month so admittedly I am more irritable than usual and I might be overreacting, but I'm fucking pissed.
How do I communicate in a way where I'm not just seen as stressing over nothing or nagging? Again, I realize sleep deprivation is a factor for both of us, so please keep that in mind as well. I can't take the whiplash of "oh, don't worry about it all, it will be fine" to "OMG WHY HAVENT YOU TOLD ME WE NEED TO DO THIS EARLIER??!!"
Do I just schedule more frequent doctor appointments since he listens to the doctor?