Most creative/unique musicians of all time?
Edit: I'm actually asking about the most genre-defying musicians. Correcting here since I can't change the title.
This question has occured to me before, but renewed yesterday...we were in the car and listened to a few Beck songs and my son (8yo) asked us what kind (genre) of music Beck was considered to be. Of course the answer is essentially that he is genre defying across the breadth of his career. David Bowie is another artist (possibly THE artist) who most exemplifies this and it got me thinking I should ask this sub for opinions on their thoughts on this, and what artists others would consider in this conversation.
If you have a few that would be great, ranking them is totally optional and likely futile!
Edit: Thinking further on my own question, it feels like Radiohead has to be in this conversation, though that is more of a collaborative effort than singular creative power like the previous 2.