NWSL Profitability
We all know how that the NWSL has attracted remarkable investments (actual and intended) over the past couple of years. From high league-entry fees to stadiums to training facilities. The proposed stadium by Denver looks like it'll be a game-changer. I'm excited to see WoSo growing, but I'm also curious about the current and future/ potential profitability of the NWSL. Does anyone have any articles on how profitable it is currently? I read somewhere that some teams (eg Angel City) currently make notable profits whereas others are still operating on losses. I'd like to see some info on all the teams, but this information seems elusive. Some teams (eg Racing Lou) having low attendance is concerning, but I'm cautiously optimistic for 2 reasons: 1) The market valuation for most teams has been rising 2) The interest in NWSL investment is a good sign. I don't think all those investing are idiots. Pretty sure they know what they're doing. After the previous two leagues folded, I hope that this is the time where we've finally got it right, and that the NWSL can be sustainable.
Any thoughts? I appreciate any insightful responses!