‘Everyone loves only the idea of me.’ Sasuke thought to himself bitterly.

The more I thought about it, the more it made sense that I was shocked to see that others don't acknowledge it.

Itachi loved the idea of Sasuke wanting him as an avenger, but not his own person and his ideals. As it comes across as Itachi loving the idea of his little brother, all within his warped mind.

Naruto is the biggest offender in loving the idea of Sasuke as a bond, and never agreed to Sasuke own choices about things on revenge despite it being very justified to be pissed off. Even with Sasuke choices, Naruto became obsessed in saving Sasuke as all of it comes off super homoerotic and desperate. It's just selfish because Naruto lies he's selfless to save his best friend and give up on his dream, when in reality he's doing it for himself to get the idea of a friend back not Sasuke himself.

Sakura loved the idea of Sasuke as a brooding and handsome boy, and ignoring Sakura nearly every girl viewed Sasuke as such. Worst being Karin who loved the idea of Sasuke, and it took being stabbed to break the illusion only to fall in love with him again.

Madara, Obito, and Orochimaru loved the idea of Sasuke as an Uchiha with his body and potential.

Nearly everyone in this story loved the idea of Sasuke, and it's so messed up that Sasuke agreed to Naruto views.

At this point, I just want to see someone without any biases to treat Sasuke with love and understand him for what he is and not the idea.

It would be funny in a crack scenario, where the first person to no longer love the idea of him is the person Sasuke truly loves.