Fixing my symptoms naturally

Hey Everyone! I’ve have been on a journey for my PCOS for years! I was in the navy as an air traffic controller and my sleep schedule switched every week for 6 years straight. I was doing straight cardio to try to pass my fitness exams and i was only gaining stomach fat, having irregular periods, not sleeping good, getting cystic acne ect ect. My dad passed away before the navy when I was 17. And my mom passed away my last year in the navy when I was 24.

Anyways, I’ve been out of the navy for almost a year now. I’m in a relationship and I know I will want babies. I’m also sick of feeling like crap and getting the run around and always stressed from whatever is going on in my life. For example, military, grief, and constantly moving.

I’ve been on an entire healing journey since my mom passed away. When she passed I was on the birth control pill but due to me constantly traveling across the country from TX to Chicago to take care of her estate and my emotional well being, i kept forgetting to take my birth control. Now like I said my dad passed away before so I know that when he passed I was very numb at first and in shock. So I did feel the same when my mom passed but also I was staying with my little brother and his dad when I went to Chicago and my brothers dad can not cook and had no healthy food in the house so instead of eating junk I was barely eating but making sure when I did it was healthier foods and I was busy trying to plan a funeral and clean out my moms house for 3 weeks straight. But also I noticed that despite just knowing that I’m in shock I strangely felt way healthier hormonally and I felt like I wasn’t as anxious and depressed. So I decided to just quit my birth control all together and see if my birth control was making me feel depressed and anxious or if it was just because I wasn’t in shock.

Anyways when I got back to TX my boyfriend told me that I looked great. And looking back on photos my face was not puffy, i had like no acne, and I was more slim. Besides grieving I did continue to feel less anxious and depressed which was crazy to me considering my mom just passed away. So I really did believe if I stayed on the pill I would have felt 10 times worse in my opinion.

I buckled down on drinking a bunch of spearmint tea, inostol, eating high protein, going to the gym, tanning (in moderation) for vitamin D, and went to 2 therapist at once for my entire last year in the navy. Therapy helped my stress so much. Eventually after I got out of the navy and stopped seeing a therapist I felt so many stressors coming back with preparing to move across the country (we didn’t know where we were moving yet due to my boyfriends job) and fixing up his house to get put on the market ect. Anyways I ended up going down a bad rabbit hole of wondering how can i conquer normal life changes and stressors/transitions while not going gown a PCOS flare up and feel like i need to start all over every single time? Because to me a lot of stuff that was happening was out of my control and having PCOS just makes it so much worse because then I felt like my body would also turn on me. I gained a bunch of weight and all my symptoms came back.

So I decided to take my journey MORE serious but from a perspective of what are changes I can implement that do not feel temporary for a health change, but feel like an overall maintainable lifestyle change that I actually enjoy? For example eating for PCOS for me can get very boring over time, and whenever I wanted something sweet after eating healthy the whole week I felt like crap and went down a sugar craving episode.

So I started focusing on finding foods and recipes that weren’t boring that I looked forward to. I stopped only focusing on clean, high protein and focused on whole natural foods. For example instead of vegan gluten free dairy free protein powder for protein I would just eat a piece of chicken or a hard boiled egg. Now this fixed my gut. When I craved sweets instead of dairy free ice cream I would eat dark chocolate covered almonds or fruit. I started to put tumeric, honey, lemon, and apple cider vinegar in a jar and every morning I would drink some with water before breakfast and my coffee. For breakfast I started eating baby potatoes with cheddar cheese, avocados, and over easy eggs or steak, over easy eggs with chili sauce, and Greek yogurt with mint, parsley and garlic in it. I did really interesting fun recipes that I found from a doctor called Mindy Pelz. I learned from her that fasting and cycle syncing is very good for us. Some say fasting is bad but it’s because when you fast at the same time every day your body expects it so it will store fat during that time and slow down your metabolism. But if you fast at random times occasionally your body uses the fat as energy and resets your gut and starts healing all of your bad cells. I started getting more sleep. And practicing journaling, walking, breathing exercises, cleaning out my home to manage stress and clutter ect.

With all of these changes I healed my gut, my skin got so much better, started having more energy, started being more excited to eat instead of stressed, and felt happier with more energy.

I just want to say that there is hope. With all of have been through I have somehow gotten somewhere where I feel at peace. My period went from non existent for about a year to now I’m getting a regular cycle but about 40 day length cycles. I’m actually thinking that it’s getting shorter now to 35 day cycles which means it’s getting more regular. I also noticed my boobs grew a little and stomach shrank which is how my mom was. She was very skinny with huge boobs but mine must have not developed properly due to PCOS.

I thought about starting a YouTube channel to show my journey.