Having a difficult time getting my 7yo son outside and away from screens.

I know this is posted a lot but every situation is unique.

Backstory for clarity:

My (29f) wife and I (32m) have a beautiful 25 acre property in Ontario, Canada. It has rolling hills and a mix of field and forest. We’re by no means well off. I own my own small timber framing business that sometimes does well and she’s a vet assistant at a local clinic. We live very modestly and most months find it hard to pay the bills. We used to spend a lot of time as a family outside doing various things like gardening, foraging, building/renovating etc.

It’s always been pretty difficult for my wife to stay out long and work/play. Over the last 3 years it’s gotten a lot worse and she was finally diagnosed with hyper mobile Elhers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) a few months ago and is also now being tested for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

Basically what this means is that she has constant pain in her joints and she has a hard time controlling her heart rate to the point that in certain situations she’ll just pass right out. Her life has changed so much in such a short amount of time and it’s really hard on her.

Because she becomes too uncomfortable to contribute in many tasks that we previously used to accomplish together, it’s limiting my family/free time to about 1hr/day. I’m working 16-18 hours a day and sleeping maybe 2-6hrs/night. I was neglecting to take the time to teach my son extremely important life lessons because I’m just so damn busy.

This means my son is in the house with his momma a lot more and I am now having a hard time motivating him to learn take over her role with the outside chores.

She’s an AMAZING wife and mother. She’s teaching my son so many wonderful things inside the home. But I can’t help but to feel like a shit dad and a failure because I haven’t taken the time with him that she has.

It may be a bit selfish on my part to want him to take an interest in outdoor activities like we used to do as a family so that he will spend more time with me but she wants that for him too.

While she’s not as capable as she was doing outdoor recreational activities she still loves the outdoors more than anything and wants to be able to share that passion with him.

Please help.