First night out of Snoo success
5.5 month old has been using snoo every night since birth (except for one rogue night where grandma had her sleep over her house and she slept fine in a crib). Husband and I had a whole plan to do one arm out for a week, two arms out for a week, move the snoo out of our bedroom, and then do weaning mode in her room for a week before even starting to sleep train or sleep in the crib at all.
Baby has been in daycare since 4m and has napped in the crib well for them, so last night we figured we would just skip ahead and try it. Girl woke up once (as she normally would in the snoo anyway) and slept the whole night in the crib in a sleep sack!
We’re hoping to never look back now and focus on training her to fall asleep on her own next (daycare also says she does this fine but we haven’t seen for ourselves yet!). Wanted to share in case anyone else is as nervous about the transition as we were. I should note that the snoo soothing almost never settled her back to sleep, so perhaps we had less of a barrier to transition.