Jedi Fallen Order

People kept praising Jedi Fallen Order's quality on Stadia. I played it on PC, great game, great visuals and all, and I thought I'd replay it now that it's on Pro.

Yeah, not gonna happen. 4K visuals on TV, everything is stables, yes, and it looks like garbage. The textures are low, the framerate is not as stable as it should be, and there's a blur going on. And yes, smarty pants, film grain and motion blur is disabled. I am talking about a natural blur, not motion blur.

I can see how this is okay to certain casual people, but this is beyond unacceptable for someone who is used to quality.

Cases like these are the reason why I'd never trade in my PC for Stadia. Yet.

I mean duh, right? Why would I trade in a high end PC paired with a Gsync monitor for something that still uses Vsync and all. Oh well, maybe one day. But it's great for Dads and such. And I am more than happy that Stadia makes so many people so happy. I'll keep having my Pro subscription of course, because I believe in Stadia. Ever since launch, and nothing has changed. Stadia 2.0 is needed badly though.

And don't get me wrong. I do use Stadia. For games like Hotline Miami, which btw also feels better on something with way lower system latency, Monster Boy, Monopoly, and so on. Just not for shooters or even Jedi Fallen Order.

Keep it going, Google. You're getting there, hopefully.