I’m sick of Age of Republic
This may be controversial, but I am so sick of playing on Age of Republic. My favourite game mode is Supremacy, and if I decide to play Battlefront 2, it’s the game mode I would choose to play. However, if I want to play another era I can’t. The only era I can play on is Age of Republic as barely any other people play on Age of Rebellion or Age of Resistance. Nine times out of ten when I start up an Age of Rebellion game, there won’t be enough people to play, and I’ve literally had one or two matches on Age of Resistance. I’m just very bored of the maps in Age of Republic. I know the Prequel Era is popular and is a lot of peoples’ favourite era but I wish we could play on other game modes. (I know this game doesn’t have as large of a player base it had a few years ago but still I would like to see some others play on other maps)