FINALLY the Moms not passively supporting abuse and supporting our girl Leah

I am just now wrapping up last nights episode. Just call me a full on Jade stan at this point I do not care. JADE has the addiction story line we want. Her husband did the work and is in recovery. She is doing her damnedest to be a good Mom and daughter by having expectations for her own Mom that she hasn’t cut out yet. I definitely think this story may never end unless she sets do or die boundaries but…I still empathize with her struggle to hold Christy to it and not fall for the manipulation. Jade saw Amber’s bullshit and said I don’t care if we’re neighbors, you’re not like us and I won’t support it. BYE.

Cheyenne talking to Leah like a grown ass woman and not suggesting shit will get better, just give it time, “your mom loves you” etc. Her reacting to Leah saying she wants Kristina to adopt her with nothing but support. I know Leah felt heard when someone didn’t just give her passive platitudes for once.

I love this episode just for the fact that Leah’s voice is HEARD and these Mom’s have stopped worrying about Amber’s feelings after seeing last season air.