Rhine and Mack- the sad and pathetic excuse of a wedding - DID THEY EVEN LIKE EACHOTHER?!?!

This wedding is just SAD

  1. Rhine needing to be drunk all day, I’m sure he was high too. Also has dip in his mouth the whole day
  2. Telling his groomsmen he’s just going to “wing it” with his vows, they are pretty shocked since he’s obviously can barely form a single thought
  3. Rhine says “who cares?” to their reaction
  4. Rhine has zero idea what going on there whole day or where he is
  5. Rhine says he’s done half way through their first dance, Mack is annoyed at him for this and says “you’re hammered”
  6. Macks friends telling her what an awkward dance that was
  7. Rhine complains multiple times through the night about the cost of things
  8. Maci and Jen having a drunk conversation about how much they love each other, holding hands and hugging. They seem more in love than Rhine and Mac. Plus that guy standing there KEEPS trying to interrupt then and talk and say sobering they don’t give a shit about