If a giant lizard were to attack Temecula, where would be its refuge?

Hey neighbors! I hope you are all having wonderful days and nights. Sometimes when I walk around town I imagine a giant lizard running through the buildings or cars having the time of its life. Big guys like Godzilla have the ocean to retreat to and King Kong has a blast swinging through tall skyscrapers, but if Temecula had a big creature, maybe not anywhere near Godzilla size but still a menace, would there be anything interesting for it to do? I thought maybe it’d play around trying to knock hot air balloons out of the sky but not sure what more than that. At least that means if there ever is a Godzilla hopefully Temecula would be uninteresting enough to not be demolished. But if it were to a big lizard’s stomping ground, where would fun places be for it to go?