Trump supporters fundamentally misunderstand the reasons the left don’t like Trump

Every time I get into an argument with Trump supporters over wether or not Trump is a good president the right winger will inevitably bring up a list of bad things democrats have done. This is generally when the debate reaches the point where I’m no longer going to take the other guy seriously.

The reason for this is I and most other leftists already agree with you that the Democrats are horrible corrupt pieces of crap and fuck them. That’s not what you need to convince us of. You don’t need to in the bash the democrats to us you need to sell Trump, and to do that you’re gonna have to answer some tough questions without resorting to “but insert Democrat here did insert bad thing here.”

Here are some of the questions you need to answer. If not corruption what is the reason the Trump family has made massive business deals with the Saudis in recent years and why has Trump been carrying water for the Saudis even going so far as to legitimize the coverup of the murder of an anti corruption journalist by the Saudi Government?

Even if I were to submit to you that J6 wasn’t an insurrection attempt and I see no reason to grant that, it would still be a riot. Why do pro Trump rioters get pardons, but anti Trump rioters do not?

Why did Trump pardon many of his close associates including his own son in laws father?

Why did he give his own family members government positions?

Why is he censoring government data about climate change and vaccines?

Considering the lengths he went to cling to power and change the results after losing 2020, why should anyone trust him not to pull something similar if MAGA loses 2026 or 2028?

I believe climate change is a real issue that is crucial to address as quickly as possible. I want an easy streamlined process to immigrate to this country regardless of what country you are from and I want refugees who need help to be allowed to settle here. I want America to focus all territorial ambitions to that perfectly un claimed section of Antarctica and keep our hands off other country’s land. I want American troops to withdraw from all countries that don’t want us there (including Cuba) and I want the US military to protect the few pro American countries that are left on this planet. I want the senseless embargo on Cuba to end. Granted all this why should I support Trump?

I will be responding to all good faith responses after I get home from work tonight. I’m back from work. There are way more responses than I was expecting so some of your responses I’m not going to have time to get to.