Low birth rates are not a real problem
There is no shortage of people fear mongering over the low and yet decreasing birth rates in various countries around the world. They say this spells human extinction, economic collapse, etc. But none of this is actually true for one simple reason: Superintelligent AI will likely emerge within a decade.
Superintelligent AI means that we won't have to worry about not having enough people to sustain the economy because we'll have arbitrarily many AI workers to do it for us. It also means we don't have to worry about humans going extinct from low birth rates because a sufficiently superintelligent AI could probably just assemble new humans if we really wanted it to do that. Sex, pregnancy, childbirth and all the rest of it will be superfluous.
It's funny to see people who are as convinced as I am about the near-term emergence of superintelligent AI worry about birth rates. For example, Elon Musk. He says superintelligent AI will arrive before 2030 and yet, he always talks about low birth rates being a major problem. If we're going to have superintelligent AI in five years, who cares? If humans go extinct, it will probably be from that, not low birth rates. And if by some miracle, it doesn't kill us all, every problem we have, including that of low birth rates, is solved because the AI will be able to solve them.