How long till Hertfordshire university gets called out?
I was never enrolled at this university, but I’ve occasionally used their “library” to get some work done. Every time I visit, without fail, I encounter people either obnoxiously talking on the phone or watching videos out loud - still yet to discover what headphones are, apparently. It feels more like a sixth-form common room or a call centre than a place for studying.
At my old university, we had a fairly informal system: the ground floor was for talking, and every floor above was designated for complete silence. Hertfordshire, however, does things a little differently - every floor seems to be for talking, while silent study is confined to a tiny room with a capacity of about 10 people lmao.
Now, I’m well past the point of caring whether students have ulterior motives for being here or if they actually want to earn a degree. Do whatever you want. But when people come to the library and actively distract those who are trying to work, that’s a problem. The number of students guilty of this makes it pointless to even tell them to be quiet—you’d have to do it 10 times a day. Library staff don’t seem to care either.
I already knew Hertfordshire had a bad reputation, but this would certainly make me think twice before employing someone from here. (I could go on and mention experiences of hearing people getting into this university without meeting any entry requirements or how someone who didn’t even study for their exams managed to pass). I get that one bad sheep doesn’t represent everyone, but when the ratio of bad to good seems to be 10 to 1, it’s hard to ignore. These students are representing your university, and right now, it doesn’t leave a great impression on visitors.