Uni of Bristol or Leeds?
I’m planning on studying mathematics and philosophy Bsc undergrad starting in 2025. I would really appreciate any advice/opinions of which uni people think I should firm or insure. The grades I need for Bristol are A*AA but Leeds is only AAB (much more realistic). I absolutely loved both and so am having such a hard time choosing between them. My problem is if I firm Bristol and then don’t get the grades I’m likely going to struggle finding accommodation in Leeds but if I firm Leeds I can’t insure Bristol due to it having higher grades - and there’s no where else I’d really be happy going?
I also applied to Manchester, Liverpool and Sheffield just FYI.
If people have no opinions on the unis themselves I’d love some insights into just the city’s as a whole, anything good or bad! (Or even just any thoughts on the course)
I also don’t do anything like philosophy currently - my alevels are maths econ and business. Do you think philosophy is too different to anything I study currently - will I feel behind others on the course?