Agender classification
I have recently thought of a classification for different types of agender and was wondering how correct or valid it was, obviously people could be different amounts of different types and I may have missed some things you can let me know.
- Agender Neutrois: a person with no gender to express, gender disphoria from anything associated to any gender ideal appearance has a few gendered characteristics as possible.
2a. Agender Cassgender: a person who is not at all worried what gender they are perceived as or how they are refered, any worries about their appearance is unrelated to gender, no gender disphoria.
2b. Agender Genderfuck: a person who is not worried about how their gender is perceived but uses this lack of care to use gender expression in a way not typical of cisgender people with the same AGAB may experience no gender disphoria or internal but not external gender disphoria.
- Agender Demigender: Agender type 1 or 2 to an extent but also has connection to another gender and has according disphoria and expression.
By this classification I would be a type 3 Agender being about 60% Agender type 1 and 40% Feminine, as well as this I am Agender type 2a in a fluctuating way I do not know how much as I do not have a benchmark. The reason it can exceed 100% here is due to each type of gender being on different axises imo in a way that would probably require another post to explain.
Hopefully this is sane and coherent enough theory to be understood and critiqued thanks for constructive comments.
edit: mobile formatting