Need to Emergency Rehome
Eastern Mass, near Boston. Had a fire in my snake room, and need to rehome it. The snake is fine.
Quetzalcoatl is the snake’s name. They are very sweet and personable. They will coil around what ever extremity you let them, and just chill there. They enjoy feeding days where they come out of their hide with their head held at an angle watching me as I come in the room. They’re possibly about 1 year and a half. Unfortunately I did the thing where I bought a snake from Pet Smart without doing the necessary research before hand, but when realizing what I had done, I came here and learned. That was over a year ago now, and they’re still growing and being a good little boop noodle.
Unfortunately due to the fire, I can’t give anything away with her. The room is condemned, and per the Inspector and Deputy Chief of the departments, everything must stay the way it is. I don’t mind paying what I can to facilitate the transition to make her move much easier. Thanks for reading. If you have any other questions, I’ll be glad to answer. Though due to the current nature of things, I may not answer right away. Thanks for your understanding.