CAMPAIGN SPOILER Emergence review.

So I saw that a lot of people didn't like Emergence....

It was, in my opinion, one of the coolest missions that has ever been in COD. The very moment after dropping down the elevator shaft and immediately seeing the mannequins, green mist and a broken gas mask, I knew some fuckery was ahead and I immediately felt uneasy.

As the mission progressed, I didn't feel safe for a single second and that's why I loved it. I felt nervous the entire time because I knew that I'm tripping balls and basically going through some CIA mk ultra Tom foolery and it definitely fit that part of what I love about the black ops story in general. That's exactly why the first one had one of the best stories in gaming. It is honestly a realistic (albeit outlandish) depiction of the attrocities that the CIA committed with mk ultra.

Some people say it doesn't make sense to have zombies.... Ya... That's the point, none of it is supposed to make sense. You're playing a character experiencing drug induced psychosis. That's kinda what it feels like when you're losing your mind. Nothing feels safe and you become delusional. I've experienced an actual drug induced psychosis from stimulant abuse... And while no game could ever truly capture how horrifying it actually is in real life. The uneasy feeling and detachment from reality is a very real part of psychosis. In my experience, I literally felt like their were demons in my head screaming at me and telling me to do horrifying shit. Again, I'm only mentioning this because this mission definitely nailed the feeling of unease and detachment from what is true and false.

So it isn't a traditional cod mission, but it absolutely stands out over a boring shooting gallery that cod unfortunately has had a lot of in the past. The only real complaint from me is the grappling hook... It felt gimmicky as hell. But the whole mission was great and anyone who doesn't think it makes sense narratively, clearly doesn't understand what blacks ops has always been about lmao.