My unimportant thoughts on a complete unknown

My likes; - Timmys singing and guitar/harp playing He did as good of a job anyone could really do, definitely good enough for the movie.

  • the actors were all doing fine fine work

  • song selection

Dislikes; - whatsoever no depiction of dylans charisma or humor, sweetness and zen Like neutrality, the whole time he was just giving death stares to everyone and tried to look as creepy/cocky as he could. Sure I know he could be snarky, angry and venomous but im puzzled why they would go out of their way to make him appear totally one dimensional and hollow. When theres so much evidence of the opposite.

  • the exterior sets and extras, it all looked very fake and manufactured to me. But a lot movies from the last 10 years or so have suffered from this imo. It seems rushed.

  • where the fuck was Sara?

  • the whole Newport drama shit and Pete being against him playing electric etc

  • the depiction of Sylvia, her being at the 65 festival and all the fabricated nonesense drama

All of these things really made me give it a big fat meh… it’s not an ego thing or things have to be accurate or some shit like that. It’s just sad to see how mediocre they made this movie while having all of these beautiful real people and real stories/events as their source material and all these great actors to bring them to life and to tell the story.

If I’d have to sum the movie up it would be;
