Arguing with the TV licence man that I don't have to pay just because I have some bbc DVDs
I got tired of paying for a 'service' I don't use so I cancelled my TV licence stating 'I don't have an aerial'. Lived for 5 years this house without having terrestrial. I didn't even know where the aerial plug is.
They sent round a guy to verify, all he found was where the aerial port was (behind a heavy cabinet). It was a spider nest. Clearly not been used in a looooong time. He asks me to turn on my ps3 and xbox 360 to check for the BBC iPlayer app. No iPlayer on any of my devices.
He's getting visibly annoyed but still keeping a professional tone and candid attitude.
I offer him a brew.
He then takes pictures of my DVD collection while I'm making him the brew but I catch him in the act.
He then claims because I have the complete collection of 'only fools and horses' on DVD I had to pay the fee.
I asked him to show me where it says that in the BBC stipulations. He could not.
I took back the only just sipped brew.
I told him to fuck right off.
I'm still fuming at the look of hurt and surprise on this bastards face as he left.
Edit: For those asking why I let him in in the first place, I hadn't dealt with them before, I have worked door to door and know it's a miserable job, so I gave the guy a chance. Never a-fuckin-gain
2nd Edit: for those who keep asking, read edit 1
3rd Edit: please stop giving me awards, donate to Wikipedia or charity instead