wtf should I do with my English degree?
(Skip to the third paragraph if you want to avoid my sob story.)
Admittedly I didn’t take college as seriously as I should have, plus the whole pandemic thing…But almost 2 years ago I graduated with a BA in English, minor in writing, pretty good GPA (3.6 iirc). Did an internship in the library archives (research, writing, creating content for library displays), and had involvement in the student literary magazine and English club.
Since I graduated I’ve been working part time (~30/week) as bus monitor making minimum wage. I love my job, love the company, the kids are hilarious. I rent with roommates, and have a pretty simple lifestyle. No debt. Single. Childfree. I can technically live off of what I make. But this place we rent is a mouse infested piece of shit, and the landlord is an old dick to deal with. I have savings, but I need to make more money to comfortably save up enough to move out and buy a small house. That’s my goal.
I’ve been applying for different jobs and struggling to figure out other jobs that I would be good at. Other than like…content writer or customer service representative roles…I can’t think of anything else. Does anyone have any suggestions? Preferably something with a little bit of room to “move up the ladder,” but truthfully I’m not too ambitious. Just want to make enough to live.