The question asked a thousand times - anyone escaped extremely-severe?
Hi all, I'd love to be a bigger part of this community but currently don't have even a shred of my once quite vast mental capacity.
A string of push/crashes tied with what seems to be severe MCAS has got me to a very dire state, am currently on diazapam (please don't frighten me more, I'm aware of the risks) and am 6 days into mirtazapine.
I have a huge list of things I'm hoping to try as time goes on, but I'd just like a little hope.
I'm bed-bound, can walk to the loo because of the Benzos, otherwise I'd be 100% bed-bound, and basically can't talk / have any sensory input during the day, then get that funny little boost in the evening where my brain works (99% certain it's down to melatonin lowering neuroinflamation).
Has anyone here made it back from this point, and should I currently be following the standard 'aggressive rest' until I'm more stable?
Thanks all Much love