CMV: We should not rescue people who attempted committing suicide

Specifically in America, but most other Western countries as well in some form, we value life, liberty, and property. If one wants to give up their property, they are allowed. One can join a religious group or cult and that is considered freedom of liberty. So too, granting the ultimate freedom of life includes allowing people to end their own life.

Granted, convincing people or attempting to change their views is fine. Just as you might warn a friend not to join a cult, or not to dump all their money on the street for others to take. However, once they have made up their mind to do so (assuming they were fully aware of what they were doing and what the consequences would be), stopping them would be wrong.

Edit: Sorry I didn't respond to everyone - something unexpected came up and I didn't have hours to sit by my computer haha.

People have pointed out that practically, it is very hard to know if someone is committing suicide after rational and well minded decision making, or if their cognition is impaired by mental illness. Further, there may have been attempted murder. Therefore, it is more often than not the right thing to do to save someone unknown who has jumped into a river for example.

Another argument that resonated with me is that many regret their decisions to commit suicide. With these two points, we are probably better off as a society saving people rather than letting them kill themselves.

I still believe that there are cases where saving someone would be an infringement on their rights, but practically speaking, there is a net positive in saving people as opposed to assuming they are all rationally deciding to end their lives.