A question for those who are psychologically coping well with CFS.

There are a lot of posts here of people stating how hopeless they feel and how bad life is. I get it. I have the debilitating condition myself and no amount of inspiration will make it just disappear.

However, on the flip side. I think we have some control over our psychological state/philosophy of life/perspective/what we focus on/habitual thoughts etc.

In this realm, I'd like to hear from people who have found ways of viewing life, in relation to their condition, that has helped them to live a fuller life in spite of their condition. (I'm not expecting people to be overjoyed all the time but I believe some of us might approach the condition psychologically in a more helpful way).

One idea that helped me cope much better with my condition is to put it in a better perspective. When I first got the condition, I had this incorrect notion that everyone else is physically healthy and only a tiny minority of people like me have this "extra" burden in life. However, the reality is that good physical health is the ideal that many are blessed with but many people suffer with conditions even worse than what I suffer with. As biological animals we all break down and eventually die. We do this at different rates and in different ways (there is a childrens cancer ward near where I used to live and I can now appreciate how lucky I am not to be there).

I guess I am trying to say that I am not utterly different from the rest of the human race in regard to disadvantage/suffering. Life is a hard journey for most people and it is quite common for people to be carrying burdens that they find almost impossible to cope with.

This does not diminish my condition in any way. It is a relentless condition for anyone. But it just means that this is life. Whether it is old age, cancer, paralysis, there are people who adapt and choose to try to still make the best of life rather than thinking life is completely over. I try to find inspiration from such people knowing that others too have wreseled with terrible health but lived a full life in spite of it.

EDIT: I'm slowly reading all your comments and finding them all very helpful. Thank you :)