COVID-19 was the globalists’ most successful attempt so far at making people hate freedom itself

In previous incidents, like 9/11 and the broader War on Terror, the US government absolutely took advantage of it to curtail freedom (Patriot Act, 4th amendment violations, inhumane torture, spying, etc.) but they still had the decency to keep up the pretense that they were “defending our freedoms and way of life that the scary Middle eastern terrorists tried to attack and strike fear” (while those same politicians at the time, subtly chipped away at those same freedoms, talk about doublespeak)

Then, COVID-19 comes to town, and finally, after 2 decades, the propaganda shifts from “we must unite against our enemies from across the sea” to “we must divide ourselves, don’t trust your neighbours, anyone is a possible enemy, report any gatherings, anybody is a potential plague rat even if no symptoms, limit your movement and assume immediately you yourself are a threat” and a shocking amount of idiots went along with it unquestionably.

The “enemy” was no longer the scary brown boogeyman terrorist from across the sea, but now they wanted you to believe it was your own friends/neighbours.

Soon, those same people who celebrated our way of life standing strong against the terrorists who tried taking it away, now suddenly were critcizing certain politicians for NOT going the China route (which, if you recall, was so insane and lasted until December 2022, in which protests erupted after people literally were unable to escape a burning building due to those same COVID measures), the people who hated censorship, now suddenly were begging for censorship and in January 2022, a considerable amount of Democrats, according to a poll, supported putting the unvaccinated in camps. When the Canadian trucker convoy erupted in January/February 2022, the term “freedumbs” was so common (no matter which country), showing how the brainwashing was so severe that they were taking freedoms totally for granted by that point (compare it with before, how grateful they were for freedoms and the western way of life “standing strong” after 9/11) forgetting the countless examples in the past when governments have previously taken advantage of crises and the fear of the public.

Honestly insane how there hasn’t been even more outrage about this, especially considering many people couldn’t see their loved ones when they died in hospitals due to severe COVID measures insanity that wasn’t needed in the first place (and that’s time you can’t ever get back!) and yet the George Floyd riots were allowed by those same liar/hypocritical politicians, but, I guess that also goes to show how this was their most successful attempt yet at making people hate freedom, and this has scary implications for the future because this will definitely not be the last time a scam of this scale will happen, and if they were to ever do something else in the future, whether it be another 9/11 or another “virus” (or just about any kind of crisis, whether planned or otherwise, where they can attempt to push fear into the public again to try to convince them to strip away more rights) they can learn from the scamdemic what worked and what didn’t…