Some evidence I am being watched

Oh and here is some evidence that I'm being watched by these people. It's old but good. The other pics I have will take a much longer explanation.

I posted checkmate om my FB after pulling a clever move. Then I got a response from DJ Khaled and Britney Spears. The day after DJ Khaled posted that i got arrested. And in Drakes "First Person Shooter" video he is playing chess against J Cole and later in the video he is wearing a Spider-Man mask because Spider-Man is my favorite hero. That song was a message to me.

It's too specific to be a coincedence.

And then I posted crouching tiger hidden dragon and Nicki Minaj copied it.

This all started when I threatened to sue that large corporation I worked for 3 years ago.

If you want to know the manipulation and power tactics they use then read The 48 Laws of Power. They treat it like its scripture. I prefer the Art of War. I've been more successful with it.

If you see anyone in the comments trying to claim I am a drug addict or schizophrenic help me out and report them for hate. They will send people to try to convince others I'm crazy so no one will take me seriously.