She’s so cute it hurts sometimes 💕

I’ve posted this same pic in another reddit before, but it’s my favorite. This is my 1 year old kitty Cinnamon Toast Munch. But we call her Munchi for short ❤️ cuddliest clingiest cat I’ve ever had. Her favorite activities include: cuddling, chatting, finding a way to sleep all over me every night, and waking me up every morning with more cuddles lol.

I’ve posted this same pic in another reddit before, but it’s my favorite. This is my 1 year old kitty Cinnamon Toast Munch. But we call her Munchi for short ❤️ cuddliest clingiest cat I’ve ever had. Her favorite activities include: cuddling, chatting, finding a way to sleep all over me every night, and waking me up every morning with more cuddles lol.