Statements from Drake University Leadership on Iowa Removing Civil Rights Protections for Transgender People
In wake of last week's bill being signed into law, the President of Drake University and the Dean of Drake University Law School sent out emails to the student body.
From Drake University President Earl F. "Marty" Martin:
Good morning colleagues and students,
A great strength of Drake University is the ever-increasing diversity of the individuals who make up this wonderful place. That diversity is essential to our mission promise to prepare our students for meaningful personal lives, professional accomplishment, and responsible global citizenship. It creates opportunities for life-changing relationships. It makes our campus more interesting and vibrant. It broadens perspectives and enriches the learning experience. It ultimately makes our University stronger and more resilient.
Moving through life with our fellow human beings must not, thankfully, be a homogenous experience. When we open ourselves up to the wide array of individuals and communities around us, our lives become more grounded, joyful, and fulfilling. We learn that our differences are not weaknesses, they are strengths. We discover that exploring those differences with open minds and hearts, with empathy and love, is one of the most meaningful experiences we can have in life.
Drake University exists to help individuals find their purpose and realize their fullest potential. A Drake education prepares our students to thrive in this interconnected world, and thus, live their best lives for themselves and those they love and serve. It is our responsibility to ensure that the Drake experience is shared with anyone who can turn the opportunity offered here into their reality. It is unimaginable that we would turn away from this obligation.
On Friday, Governor Reynolds signed a bill ending eighteen years of civil rights protection for transgender and nonbinary Iowans. This action is one among many current state and federal efforts which seek to turn our differences into division. Instead of working to find a shared path grounded in respect for the basic human dignity possessed by every person, too many public officials are seeking to marginalize and isolate our colleagues, neighbors, friends, and loved ones. This is a moral failure against which we stand in opposition. It is our duty to respect, support, and affirm anyone in our community targeted by these actions.
I often say that all are welcomed here. When I say this, I mean it in the fullest sense of the word, but I have come to appreciate that my intended message might not come through in the way I think it does. So let me be clear – not only are you welcomed here, you belong here. It is my fervent desire that every person sees this University as a place that exists for them and in support of their beautiful differences. That everything which makes you the wonderful person you are is embraced and celebrated. That when you walk on this campus you feel at home – you find happiness and peace here.
The road ahead is going to present many challenges to the values that define this institution, some of which I have tried to capture in this message. My hope is that we travel this road together grounded in a shared commitment to be there for each other every step of the way. You have my unwavering commitment to remain steadfast in fostering a welcoming, inclusive, and safe community for all.
From Drake University Law School Dean Roscoe Jones:
Dear Drake Law Community,
I want to take a moment to acknowledge the uncertainty and concern that many of you may be experiencing due to recent policy changes from the federal and state governments.
One of Drake Law School's greatest strengths is the diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives that make up our vibrant community. This diversity is not just an asset, it is essential to our mission of preparing future advocates and leaders in the legal profession. It challenges us, broadens our understanding, and strengthens our commitment to justice and the rule of law.
The legal profession is built on fairness, inclusion, and the belief that every individual deserves dignity and respect. As a law school, we have a special responsibility to uphold these values, not just in our classrooms but in society. That responsibility is more urgent than ever.
Last week, a state bill in Iowa was signed into law that removes civil rights protections for transgender and nonbinary Iowans. As President Marty Martin recently stated, "This action is one among many current state and federal efforts which seek to turn difference into division... This is a moral failure against which we stand in opposition." This is not just a policy decision; it is a moment that calls on us to affirm our values as a community. At Drake Law, we stand firmly against efforts to marginalize any member of our community. We stand for respect, inclusion, and the fundamental rights of all people.
I also recognize some of the recent federal and policy changes strike at the core of our community. For some, they bring fear, anxiety, and questions about the future. Let me be clear: You are not just welcome here, you belong here. You are valued. And you have the full support of this institution.
Over the past several weeks, I have met with student leaders from impacted communities to hear firsthand how these changes affect you. Your voices matter, and we will continue to listen and take action. We are reviewing pending legislation, working to ensure resources remain available from legal support to counseling to advocacy and collaborating with peer institutions to uphold our shared values.
There will be challenges ahead, but we will face them together, grounded in our commitment to dignity, inclusion, and respect. At Drake Law, our collegial spirit ensures that we lift each other up, listen with empathy, and support one another. That is what makes our community resilient and transformative.
If you are feeling uncertain, please reach out to your professors, our support services, or directly to me. You are not alone. We are in this together. Drake Law does not just teach law; we foster a community. And in times of challenge, we do not retreat, we rise.
Roscoe Jones, Jr. (He, Him, His)