Please someone help, I've ran out of solutions (VTX on cetus X fpv from betafpv soldering)
This is the kit cetus X from betafpv and the camera overheat so one year ago and so I wanted to change the camera that betafpv sent me back, and in the box that contained the camera there was another cable, I told myself that I had to unsolder the camera cable and since then I can't resolder it (I'm very bad at soldering) and I don't have a solution, I tested just by touching the cables to the FC and the camera emits a signal but no video (because not all the cables are touching while I'm testing). I tried to put malleable gum but it didn't work. Does anyone know how to do it or if maybe betafpv could resolder it? Because I don't really want to buy the whole cetus X again.